Don't fancy fish? Other ways to get your good fats
Salmon and mackerel are the best sources of omega-3 oils but there are alternatives
MOST of us know that oily fish such as salmon, mackerel or sardines are rich in the omega-3 fats that are important for the health of our heart and brain.
Yet 70 per cent of Britons don’t eat any of these fish and a recent reanalysis of National Diet and Nutrition Survey data found that half (51 per cent) of adults and four-fifths (79 per cent) of children are consuming below the beneficial levels of omega-3.
According to government guidelines it takes just one 140g portion of oily fish a week to get virtually the entire omega-3 dose we need.
Yet what happens if you really hate the taste and don’t relish the fishy repeat of a supplement either? For those who aren’t oily fish fans, here are seven ways to get omega-3s into your diet that won’t turn you green at the gills.


Omega-3 content: 44 per cent of the suggested daily amount in two thick slices. Most of us regularly eat bread so this newly launched omega-3 enhanced Hovis Good Inside bread (£1.25 for 800g loaf) is a reliable way to achieve a good dose of omega-3 in your diet. It contains added flaxseeds (also known as linseeds) which bump up levels of the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Further processing by our bodies can turn ALA into the longer chain derivatives known as EPA and DHA which are the omega-3s provided by oily fish and the fats credited with reducing heart disease and helping our brain cells to communicate. Two slices of the wholemeal variety of this Hovis loaf provide 8.8g of fibre – a third of the recommended daily amount of this important nutrient needed to keep the bowel functioning well.
Don't fancy fish? Other ways to get your good fats
Fortified bread, such as Hovis Good Inside, is a reliable way to get some omega-3 in your diet


Omega-3 content: 82 per cent of the suggested daily amount in six walnut halves. The ALA in walnuts, as well as being converted into heart-friendly EPA and DHA, has a direct role in helping to maintain a healthy cholesterol level. If you are not keen on walnuts on their own try crumbling a handful over some goats’ cheese or teaming with a small handful of dried apricots as a quick and healthy snack.


Omega-3 content: 66 per cent of the suggested daily amount in one tablespoon. Rapeseed oil, which is often labelled as “pure vegetable oil”, is a good source of omega-3. One tablespoon provides about 1.3g of ALA but also around 120 calories so it’s a good idea to measure out your oil carefully. Using rapeseed as a day-to-day cooking oil helps redress the top-heavy balance of omega-6 versus omega-3 fats found in a lot of Western diets. Most experts agree that we consume too many omega-6s, found in corn and sunflower oils and also widely distributed in processed foods such as biscuits, crisps, ready meals and margarines. Combined with poor omega-3 intakes this situation tends to promote more unhealthy inflammatory processes in the body.
Don't fancy fish? Other ways to get your good fats
Fortified eggs can be a tasty way for children to get their daily dose of essential oils


Omega-3 content: 30 per cent of the suggested daily amount in each egg. Sainsbury’s Free Range Rich in Omega-3 eggs (£1.80 for six) are richer in these fats because the hens that produce them are given linseeds and other naturally omega-3 rich ingredients in their feed. All three of the major omega-3 fats (ALA, DHA and EPA) are contained in the eggs and though the amounts are not huge they can make a good contribution to your intake, with standard eggs containing insignificant amounts of omega-3 by comparison.


Omega-3 content: 30 per cent of the suggested daily amount in one tablespoon. Munchy Seeds Omega Sprinkles (80p for 25g sachet, £3.99 for 200g tub) includes roasted sunflower, pumpkin, hemp and flaxseeds. One tablespoon provides just under a third of the daily recommendation of ALA. If you sprinkle this size serving on a salad dressed with a tablespoon of rapeseed oil you can cover most of your requirement for omega-3 in just one meal. For even higher amounts of omega-3 look for seed sprinkles where chia, flax or hemp are the primary ingredients.
Don't fancy fish? Other ways to get your good fats
There is 60 oer cent of the suggested daily amount of omega-3 in three fish fingers


Omega-3 content: 60 per cent of the suggested daily amount in three fish fingers. A good choice for kids who turn their noses up at salmon or sardines, Birds Eye Omega-3 fish fingers (£2 for 20) are made with pollock, which while nowhere near as high in omega-3 as oily fish has a higher level than white fish such as haddock or cod. Three fish fingers will supply more than half of the recommended daily omega-3 in the form of EPA and DHA which don’t need further processing by the body.


Omega-3 content: 50 per cent of the suggested daily amount in 250ml. Made from a blend of hemp seed, water, grape juice concentrate and rice starch this Good Hemp dairy-free milk alternative (£1.50 for litre) is a decent source of omega-3 with around 50 per cent of your daily amount in a medium to large glass. It’s also a good option for vegans and is fortified with calcium and vitamin D so you don’t fall short of some of the nutrients that would normally be found in dairy products.

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