Alzheimer's breakthrough: New VOICE test could detect first sign of debilitating disease
Sona Patel works on her voice analysis system with a woman helper
A VOICE test that could detect Alzheimer’s disease in the earliest stages is on the cards.
Medics already use the study of speech patterns to help diagnose Parkinson’s disease because of the way it impacts the ability to talk. Now researchers are carrying out tests to discover if the same system will detect the onset of other degenerative brain conditions.
If it works, it could open the door for better treatment to try to slow down the disease’s progress.
The voice test could even be conducted via a smartphone. US scientist Sona Patel is leading a new study to try to spot vocal differences between normally ageing adults and those with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia.
The neuropsychologist said: “You react to stimuli with your voice automatically, without even realising it.
“Now, the question is if we can use voices to indicate other neurological disorders.”
Ms Patel is carrying out her research at Seton Hall University in New Jersey by hooking up Alzheimer’s patients to a brain scan and microphone while they perform vocal tasks.
Now, the question is if we can use voices to indicate other neurological disorders
US scientist Sona Patel
She is hoping to spot differences in their responses from those of Parkinson’s sufferers – who have similar symptoms to those of early stage Alzheimer’s – and adults without any of the conditions.
British scientists have said it is possible to use voice recordings to spot Parkinson’s with 99 per cent accuracy because of the tell-tale signs including soft, breathy speech and a vocal tremor.
If Ms Patel’s research, which she hopes to finish next year, shows changes in voice patterns for Alzheimer’s, she believes it will be possible to develop less expensive ways to detect the early stages of the disease.
“What I would envision is to put this software on an app that can be used by the patient directly or in a medical facility,” she said.
“A patient or doctor could do a quick test with a vocal recording, and the score would indicate the likelihood of a neurological problem.
“If patients can be diagnosed in an early stage of disease, treatment and drug therapies can start at that time, possibly slowing the disease progression,” she added.
There are currently around 850,000 people in the UK with dementia. The number is set to rise to more than a million by 2025 as the country’s population continues to age.
Treating and caring for dementia sufferers costs the country about £26billion a year, according to the Alzheimer’s Society.

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