Lingerie Fighting Championships: Could this be the most SEXIST competition of all time?
The Lingerie Fighting Championships involves women fighting each other in bra and pants
THE Lingerie Fighting Championships could well be one of the most sexist battles around, so why does women fighting in their underwear do so well?

Women have come so far in the last century, from getting the vote in 1918 to becoming (almost) equally paid members of society in modern day.

But it would seem there's still a market for watching warring women in just their underwear throw each other around a ring. 
Grabbing each other by the waist and pulling their stockings down, it doesn't look like the most spectacular physical form of fighting. 
The sight - which has to be seen to be believed - is an annual event called the Lingerie Fighting Championships. 
Lingerie Fighting Championships: Could this be the most SEXIST competition of all time?
These two women looked happy to be tearing each other's hair out

Lingerie Fighting Championships: Could this be the most SEXIST competition of all time?
This woman looked thrilled to be a winner at the Lingerie Fighting Championships

Lingerie Fighting Championships: Could this be the most SEXIST competition of all time?
This is Jenevieve "The Sorceress" Serpentine posing before a fight
Held in Las Vagas, of course, it involves women getting all dolled up with the finest hairdos and thick over-done make-up to take each other on in the ring. 
This year the championships were called Lingerie Fighting Championships 20: A Midsummer Night's Dream - but there was nothing ethereal or beautiful about the  fights. 
The woman tussle and grab each other all the while trying to stay looking good and not really hurt themselves. 
One woman who wouldn't take any of this lying down is Mel Sykes, who spoke to exclusively about being 'sexy'. 
It's like a lacy version of WWE - fake fighting - without the entertainment. 
One woman in particular, Jenevieve "The Sorceress" Serpentine, posed 'seductively' with a live snake before taking to the ring. 
The animal was curled around her as she crouched down wearing fishnet tights with holes pulled through and six inch heels. 
Could this be the most sexist event of modern day? Quite possibly. 

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