All You Kneed to Know about Orgasm and How to Boost your ego as a Man
Did you know that during orgasm, most of the brain shuts down?  That with orgasm, raised levels of what are called the cuddle chemicals – oxytocin and vasopressin – lead to feelings of satisfaction and attachments?

A study has found that women who regularly receive semen vaginally are less depressed than those who don’t says Helen Fisher, PhD, author of: Why We Love, The Nature and Chemistry of Romancing love.  A bit of an ego-booster for men who are forever jealous of the role that dreaded vibrator is playing in their lover’s life!
The feel-good experience semen gives female recipients could be because they really like their partners”, Fisher said, “it could also be because seminal fluid is awash not only with testosterone and oestrogen but also with chemicals such as dopamine and norepinephrine, serotonin, and oxytocin which can contribute to either elation or calm.”
Another recent study revealed the unsurpasing result that the more often a person has sex, the happier he or she is. This could be because people who have sex often are more likely to be healthy and enjoying a good relationship,. It could also be because sex exercises the muscles and the respiratory system, gets the circulatory system moving, which gives the skin a gorgeous glow; and according to Fisher’s research, triggers the brain circuitry for romantic love and attachment.
So why do we have sex?  Because it is fun, says Fisher. Because it can be the most powerful, concrete way to demonstrate the love for ourselves and for someone else. Because sex helps us to remember. Because it helps us to forget. Because when we open ourselves to the experience completely, we become intimate with the world in a way that’s otherwise inaccessible,  and unique. Flooded with hormones that can release us from the mooring of self-consciousness and control, we can relax into a presence of mind that allows boundaries, momentarily to dissolve.  Sex can not only help us feel better – it can  also help us feel …
When; to suspect your partner could be off his rocker!
Recently, a former colleague told me that she was worried about an older brother who had suddenly gone religious. According to her, this brother said: “he could hear God talking to him through the radio. He also alleged that all of us in the family were evil because, we didn’t believe in the spiritual church. He thinks his own spiritual church and his beliefs are right. As wild as he looked when he made these allegations, it was obvious that he was cracking up. So, how do you tell if someone close to you is cracking up!|” With all these named disasters and economic crunch plaguing the country wouldn’t it be nice to know?
According to psychiatrists, there are seven clues to alert you.  For instance, an unexpected change in behaviour is the big tip-off that a friend, relation or co-worker is suffering from emotional problems and may need professional help. Here are the seven clues to look for:
*A person who is usually energetic acts tired and indifferent. The person may complain about being tired. His work may be neglected and he doesn’t seem to care.
*A previous polite and caring person suddenly becomes insensitive. Manners and social etiquette often fall apart during mental illness, said a psychiatrist. “Words like `please’ and `thank you’ may disappear from the person’s vocabulary and he or she may act rude – pushing ahead of others in a line, for example.”
*A person who usually controls his alcohol or drug intake loses control. When someone with no history of alcohol or drug-abuse begins to abuse these substances, it can be a sign of mental illness. And drug abuse doesn’t necessarily have to mean illicit drugs – it also can mean prescribed drugs.
*A person who usually maintains stable relationship starts to develop difficulty with important ones. The person may have trouble dealing with people on the job – and with his or her spouse. He or she may resort to physical or emotional abuse and may yell or scream.
*A person with emotions in the normal range becomes despondent or shows rapid shifts in mood. The person may begin to have rapid shifts in emotions going from anger to playfulness, from sadness to giggles.
*A previously decisive person has trouble making decisions. Even the smallest decision, like choosing clothes, becomes difficult.  The person might make up his or her mind and then changes it possible several times.
*A person with good hygiene develops poor hygiene. His or her clothes may be inappropriate, dirty or not ironed.  Often,the person may wear the same clothes for days, not brush his or her teeth and bathe less frequently – and may even begin to smell bad.
According to a recent publication in the medical journal, you could be a candidate for a nervous breakdown if you answer yes to six or more of the 12 questions:
*Did you have a tragic childhood? A parent’s death or separation?
*Was your childhood unsettled with constant moves, parents coming and going?
*Do you always felt everyone is bigger, more clever , and nicer than you?
*Do you think too much or take drugs?
*Are you the sort of person who thinks happiness won’t last?
*Have you always felt people criticize you behind your back?
*Do you find it difficult to express your feelings?
*Do you find it hard to be angry even when you’ve reason to be?
*Do you find it difficult to find and keep friends and lovers?
*Have you been exposed to a nervous breakdown sufferer, particularly when young?
*Are you pre-occupied with your health? Indeed, reading this, are you now convinced you’re having a nervous breakdown?
According to the psychiatrist: “in approaching someone you think needs help, do so in a caring manner.  Say something like, “something seems to be different about you. You’re not acting like your old self. I really care about you and I think you should talk to someone who is skilled about it.”.

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