Malaysia Airlines MH370: Relatives 'torn' over discovery of plane wreckage
The piece of aircraft debris found is "very likely" that of a Boeing 777

FAMILY members of those who were onboard the Malaysia Airlines MH370 flight have been left torn after claims that wreckage found is "very likely" the missing plane.

Malaysia Airlines MH370: Relatives 'torn' over discovery of plane wreckage
Many family members from China have refused to accept the news
Malaysia Airlines MH370: Relatives 'torn' over discovery of plane wreckage
Australia's Transport and Infrastructure Minister Warren Truss said the find was "very significant"
Malaysia Airlines MH370: Relatives 'torn' over discovery of plane wreckage
Chinese, Australian and Malaysian authorities have been looking for the missing plane for 16 months
Malaysia Airlines MH370: Relatives 'torn' over discovery of plane wreckage
Relatives of those on board the missing flight have been in agonizing limbo for over a year
The world has been left with bated breath to see if a piece of aircraft debris washed up on the Indian Ocean island of Reunion is that of the missing Malaysia Airlines MH370 flight.

Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak claims the wreckage is "very likely" from a Boeing 777.

US investigators suggest there's a "high degree of certainty" that the wing debris, known as a 'flaperon', found on the island close to Madagascar belongs to a Boeing 777.

The MH370 flight is the only missing Boeing 777 plane in the world.
The debris has been sent to Toulouse, France for further investigation.

Investigators insist tests to confirm whether the wreckage is indeed a part of the missing plane will take up to 48 hours.

However, family members, who have waited 16 months without any concrete leads, are "torn" over the latest news.

The relatives have been in emotional limbo since the plane carrying 239 people disappeared on March 8 last year en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.
Jacquita Gonzales, wife of crew member Patrick Gomes, said that confirming the wreckage of the missing flight MH370 would bring closure to relatives onboard MH370.

She said: "There are two parts, one is that if they have found the aircraft, then we can have some sort of closure. Then I can give my husband the peace that he needs.

"The other part is, no, let it not be true, because then we can still have hope that there is a chance the plane is still out there and they all can come home.

"We don't know yet, we are still on pins and needles."

Grace Subathirai Nathan, whose mother Anne was on the plane, said: "Well of course we're very shocked and anxious and you just feel like you've been thrown back into that loop one more time, all over again.

"We are not taking it as the truth, because it's happened so many times before. I think we're also holding out hope until it's confirmed.

"But we understand that there's a high likelihood that this might be it."
Jeanette Maguire, from Australia, whose sister Cathy Lawton was on MH370 with her husband, admitted that "the most difficult part is not knowing anything."

She added: "We're all longing and waiting so much for any sort of news that is valid.

"But when we get it I think it's going to be another emotional roller coaster as well."

However, many of the Chinese relatives, fed up with a lack of information from officials, are in disbelief over the news.

Dai Shuqin whose sister Dai Shuling was on board, has refused to accept the discovery.

She said: "It has been more than one year and now they claim to have found debris of the MH370 on an island?

"We do not believe what they claim, the finding does not constitute anything."

Jack Song, whose sister Song Chunling went missing on the flight, agreed.

He said: “Nobody believes it. If it belongs to 370, where are the other things like the seats, the cargo?”
Zhang Qian, who quit her job after her husband Wang Houbin went missing, remained unconvinced.

She said: "They've given us so much contradictory information so far, how can we believe them now?"

Cheng Liping, a mother-of-one whose husband Ju Kun was on the flight, said: “Personally, I don’t believe it. I don’t believe that they have found it.

"It’s been more than a year. If they were able to find it they would have already found it. Why now and why just a small piece of debris?”

Selamat Omar from Malaysia whose son Mohamad Khairul was on the flight said: "We need to find the main frame of the aircraft and the bodies. Until then I will continue to believe that my son is alive."

Sara Weeks whose brother Paul, from New Zealand, was on board, claimed she still had "hope" that her Paul would come back.

She said: "We need to know what happened. It's a great big gaping hole in everybody's life."
Jiang Hui, whose mother was onboard the missing flight, added that he was still "suffering and hurting".

He blasted the "inhumane, illegal, cruel and harsh attitude from the Malaysian government and Malaysia Airlines, which hurts more than the accident."

He said: "We can't go back to our original life any more."

Elaine Chew, whose husband, David Tan Size Hiang,was a flight attendant on the plane, said: "I've not slept the whole night - I am really nervous in anticipating the news."

While Wang Zheng, an engineer whose father and mother, Wang Linshi and Xiong Deming, were aboard the flight, wanted authorities to be 100 per cent certain before announcing anything.

He said: "All hope is truly gone now.

"I'm feeling very confused and emotional at the moment."

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